Can A Damaged AC Lead To Health Complications?

If your AC is damaged, the first things you will probably worry about are high electrical bills, discomfort, and reduced lifespan. What you may not know is that a damaged AC can expose you to life-threatening diseases. However, you can avoid all these risks by seeking prompt AC repair services whenever your AC exhibits signs of damage. This blog will discuss three common health issues associated with a faulty AC to help you understand why a timely repair is vital.

1. Heat Stroke

When summer temperatures rise, you may spend more time indoors to avoid heat stroke indoors. However, indoor temperatures can be as high as outside or even higher, putting you at an elevated risk of the very heat stroke you are trying to avoid. This is particularly true if your AC is broken. Heat stroke is a life-threatening condition that occurs when your body temperature gets dangerously high (above 104 F), leading to nausea, confusion, dizziness, a fast pulse, or dry skin. If left unaddressed, heatstroke can lead to kidney, heart, or brain damage. The risk is even higher for kids and the elderly. Get your AC repaired to ensure it can keep you safe when temperatures get uncomfortably high.

2. Respiratory Issues             

If your AC has clogged filters and dirty ducts, it goes without saying that it will release dirty air into your home. This air is contaminated with dust, mold spores, pet hair, plants, and pollen, which, when inhaled, could cause respiratory issues, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, sore throats, and endless colds. Exposure to contaminated air can also trigger asthma or allergy attacks. This makes it all the more important to partner with a certified AC repair technician who can replace the filters and clean the ducts whenever they are dirty.   

3. Refrigerant Poisoning

The refrigerant is a key component, which cools the air in your AC. It works by absorbing heat from the air inside your home and then releasing it outside. Over time the coil carrying the refrigerant may become worn out, leading to leaks. While it is hard to notice the odorless refrigerant leaks, the health complications that may follow are impossible to overlook. The leaks lead to poisoning that may manifest in nausea, headaches, vomiting, coughing, and strained breathing. If you have noted these signs, leave the house and immediately engage an AC repair contractor to fix the leaks and refill the refrigerant for safety and comfort.

Now that you know the health risks of a faulty AC, you need to always ensure your AC is in good condition. If it is not, do not hesitate to contact a qualified AC repair technician. This is the only way to keep health issues at bay, keep energy bills low, and prolong your AC's service life.

Contact AC services to learn more. 
