Signs Your Air Conditioner Needs Repair

There's no strict time frame for servicing your AC. However, your unit should be serviced a few times a year. For instance, during spring when the weather is warm, your contractor can schedule tune-ups for your air conditioner to prepare it for the high heat and humidity levels.

Here are signs that will help you know when to repair or replace your AC so that you get the best out of your investment.

Energy Bills Have Sky-Rocketed

While it's normal for your electric bill to fluctuate monthly, you should be concerned about a sudden significant increase in your energy bills. Your AC can malfunction due to various factors such as a dirty filter, duct leaks, failing parts, and more. These issues will cause your AC to become less efficient and increase its power consumption.

For example, dust and debris will build up in your air filters over time. The filters can become so dirty that they restrict airflow through your ducts. Therefore, your AC will struggle to work properly and take longer than normal to cool your home. The increased run times will often translate to high monthly utility bills.

Furthermore, your air conditioner's ducts should evenly distribute air through your home. But if the ducts are leaking, your unit will soon malfunction. For the most part, your AC system will have to work harder and longer, which increases the overall power consumption.

Loud Noises

Your AC can sometimes produce strange noises – some of which indicate a problem that needs to be fixed. For instance, buzzing noises from your AC could result from an electrical issue. There could be loose wiring or damaged electrical parts, an unclean condenser, loose fan motors, or other isolated reasons.

Banging noises are a sign that the compressor is faulty, mostly due to loose parts. If you hear screeching noises, this could mean your fan motor has given out. On the other hand, humming noises could be due to a defective contactor relay switch.

While it's hard to master all the AC noises and know what they mean, you don't need to worry if you hear a strange sound. Your AC repair expert will be able to diagnose the problem with high precision and unmask any related issues you might miss.

Don't wait for these problems to become unbearable. Immediately after you suspect a problem, turn off the power to your AC unit, then call a local AC repair technician.
