Does Your House Need Repiping?

How many times have you repaired your plumbing system in the last few years? Do you deal with leaks, burst pipes, or clogs every few months? If yes, your house likely needs repiping.

Below are other signs that your home needs repiping.

Discolored Water 

If your water is discolored or has a metallic taste, consider repiping. Discolored water is often an indicator of old rusty pipes. However, if you only notice discolored water when you turn on your hot water taps, you have another plumbing problem. You'll still need a plumber to check out your water heater system. 

Frequent Leaks 

One leak isn't necessarily an issue and can be fixed with ease. However, if you're dealing with frequent leaks, you have a plumbing problem. Once your piping network begins to deteriorate, it's downhill from there. 

It can start leaking within your walls, thus causing damage that takes months to show. If you're always dealing with leaks, it's time to consider alternatives. Typically, repairs can patch the issue, but they won't solve the problem. 

You need a more drastic approach. In this case, repiping is the best alternative. You'll replace all pipes thus addressing your leak problem. 

Noisy Pipes 

Your pipes should not be noisy. Typically, the only noise you can expect from your plumbing network is the sound of water flowing. Anything else is noise and a sign of plumbing issues. Contact a plumber to examine your plumbing network and determine the cause of the noise. If the problem is associated with old age, your home will need repiping. 

Higher Water Bills 

Have you noticed an increase in water bills over the last few months? Is your water bill still high even in months when you're away on vacation? It's likely that you have leaky pipes, and since you can't see any signs of leaking pipes, the damage is hidden. 

You need to consider repiping to remove all the pipes and replace them with better long-lasting pipes. 

Do You Need Full Home Repiping?

Full home repiping isn't always necessary. In some cases, partial repiping is good enough. However, if you're living in an older home that hasn't had its pipe system changed in decades, full home repiping is recommended. 

Building standards have changed over the years, and materials that were accepted a few decades ago may not be suitable today. If your house was built with any of these materials, the plumber might recommend full home repiping to remove the potentially toxic materials.   

For more information, contact a residential plumbing service in your area.
