Which Parts of Your AC System Need Maintenance?

Your air conditioner is like any other appliance. It needs to be taken care of for it to work correctly. Different components need extra care, and there are steps you can take to ensure that your AC is working correctly.

These are some of the parts of your AC that require proper maintenance regularly.

Air Filters

Filters are among the components that need the most attention. Filters can become blocked easily, so they require frequent changing to avoid an obstruction. You can replace a filter yourself, but a professional can ensure that your filter is actually working the way it should.

Condensation Drains

Condensation collects in the AC unit and needs to work down the channels of the drain easily. When these tubes are clogged, they may not do a good job of making a location less humid. The moisture from the AC unit may leak, damaging the area around your unit. Maintenance professionals can check for leaks and their causes.


Both condenser and evaporator coils require maintenance, including cleaning. This prevents dirt from sticking to the coil. This ensures that your unit absorbs heat the way it needs to. Cleaning the coils prevents unnecessary insulation. A professional can also provide you with the insight you need to keep the coils clean from debris in the future. Coils can also have issues with airflow. It is important to have a professional perform maintenance that involves checking the airflow surrounding the coils.


Sometimes, AC units do not have the appropriate amount of refrigerant. This can impact the efficiency of your unit, leading to a variety of issues with your unit. Maintenance pros will check to see if this is the problem for your AC. If you have a refrigerant leak, a professional can also make sure that it is disposed of properly.


Belts can wear out easily with frequent use and time, so you should have a professional test your belts and look for signs of wear. A maintenance professional can replace belts as is necessary to prevent delays in your unit cooling down your home.

Get Help With Your Air Conditioner

AC maintenance is available, and it can help you keep your system in great shape regardless of how often you use it and what kind of repairs you have had. An AC system maintenance contractor can help you take care of all the essential steps to protect your unit.
