Is It Time For Air Duct Replacement? 3 Signs You Should Watch Out For

Although air ducts are built to serve you for a long time, they can develop severe problems as they age, especially if you ignore routine maintenance. Without well-maintained air ducts, air will not circulate well in your residential property. For that reason, you will experience poor indoor air quality in your home, which will put your family's health at risk. However, if your deteriorating duct system is more than one decade old, replacing it may be the best solution for your home. As your ductwork nears the end of its useful life, it will start portraying signs of despair. As a homeowner, you shouldn't ignore malfunctioning air ducts to prevent further issues from occurring in your home.

Here are three signs that will help you know it is time for air duct replacement.

You Notice a Musty or Dirty Odor Coming from Your Ductwork

As a homeowner, you should not ignore a dirty or musty smell coming from your air ducts. This problem may occur when there is an accumulation of dirt or debris in your ductwork. Additionally, the growth of mold in your ducts may also cause this issue. When overlooked, this problem will ruin the quality of air in your house. Moreover, mold growth in your ducts will cause severe respiratory illnesses and allergies to your loved ones. Therefore, when this problem hits your home, you should hire an experienced HVAC contractor to inspect your air ducts. If they are severely dirty, leaking, or damaged beyond repair, replacing them is the best solution for your home.

Your Energy Bills Are Skyrocketing

Faulty ductwork can also increase your cooling or heating bills drastically. Defective or clogged air ducts will decrease your HVAC system's efficiency. With faulty ductwork, your heating and cooling unit will have to work extremely hard to keep your house comfortable. The overworking HVAC unit will cause your power bills to skyrocket. However, you can save money on energy bills by hiring a technician to repair your malfunctioning air ducts. With a new and well-maintained duct system, your heating and cooling unit will run efficiently to keep your family comfortable.

Your Ducts Are Making a Lot of Noise

Your air ducts may also need a replacement if they are making a lot of strange noise. Your ductwork may make weird noise if it is dirty or clogged. If the noise persists even after cleaning the air ducts, replacing them may be the best solution. The noise may be a result of an obstruction or severe issue in your duct system. It's advisable to schedule a ductwork inspection to help you know the primary cause of the problem. If the issue is beyond repair, investing in new air ducts is the best option.

Uneven temperatures or poor airflow are other signs that your ductwork may need a replacement. As a homeowner, you shouldn't ignore or postpone air duct replacement to prevent further problems in your home. It's imperative to hire an experienced technician to replace your ductwork as soon as you notice any of the problems discussed in this article.

For more information on air duct replacement, contact an HVAC company such as Elite Clean & Restoration.
