Advice For Dealing With An Air Conditioner That’s Not Producing Cold Air

Have you noticed that the temperature of the air produced from your air conditioner is feeling warmer than normal? If so, this could be a problem that you can troubleshoot on your own. Here are some tips for dealing with this common air conditioner problems.

Check Your Air Filter

The key to cooling down your home is airflow, which is why every homeowner should start by checking the air filter for your air conditioner. If the filter is absolutely covered with dirt and debris, that filter is going to prevent air from flowing through it as efficiently as it can. This will result in the air getting to the vents in your home and feeling warmer than what it should feel like. Start by swapping out that filter and see if it fixes the problem, even if it's not looking that dirty. It's a cheap fix that you should be doing regularly anyway.

Check Air Flow

It's worth going around to the various vents in your home while the air conditioner is running and checking airflow. It's possible that you have vents that are barely producing any air. For example, the first floor may feel great but the second floor is struggling. This can be due to a problem with the dampers going to those rooms that are not adjusted properly. You may have limited heat going to the second floor during the winter and forgot that you shut off air flow to the problematic rooms. Try opening up the dampers and seeing if the problem is improved.

Check The Blower Fan

Your air conditioner needs a working blower fan in order to push air through the ductwork. It is possible that the blower fan is damaged and needs repair or replacement, either due to not running at all or running at a speed that is slower than normal. The best thing you can do is turn the air conditioner on and just listen to the fan. You know what your air conditioner normally sounds like. Is it less loud than normal when it's turned on? If so, the fan may not be running at full speed.

Check For Water

Another reason to be concerned about your air conditioner is if you have water or condensation in odd places around your furnace. This includes on top of your furnace or on the floor. This means that you have a clogged condensation drain and an emergency shut off is actually turning off the air conditioner, or low refrigerant in the system that is causing the a-coil to freeze. 

If you need help preparing your AC, call a 24/7 AC system repair service
