Air Conditioning Air Filter Replacement: Why It Needs Done Often

If you are just now getting a central air conditioning system installed in your home, or you are simply looking for ways to improve its usage, you will want to learn why it is so important to frequently change its filter. To help you have a better understanding as to why this is such a crucial thing to do, continue reading.

The Prompt Replacement Offers Better Air Quality

You want to have clean air circulating throughout your house. When a clean filter is in place, a lot of debris and dust will be captured by it and only clean air will move through the ductwork and into the rooms of your home. Breathing in quality clean air is something that is important for everyone, but it is especially vital for those with medical conditions that impact their breathing or those that have allergies. You might be surprised at just how quickly an air conditioning air filter can get clogged. Once it is, it is not going to be able to do its job anymore. Start by replacing the air filter every couple of weeks. If you notice that the filter is extremely dirty when you take it out, you might want to start replacing the filters every week. It might seem like a lot, but disposable air filters for central air systems are generally affordable and it is worth it since you will have nice clean air circulating throughout your home.

It Helps Keep Your System In Good Shape

When an air filter gets clogs, it can cause the central air unit to freeze up. When the unit is frozen but power is still running to it, trying to make it run it can cause extra strain on the motor and other parts. Should you notice that your air conditioning system is freezing up, you will need to turn it off and leave it off for the day so it can thoroughly thaw out. Once it is thawed out, replace the dirty air filter and then turn the air conditioner back on. You might want to take this as a sign that your air filters need to be changed more often than you have been changing them.

As you can begin to see, there are many good reasons to change out the air conditioning system's air filter as often as you can. Instead of once or twice a year, you may even want to do it once, twice, or maybe even four times a month.
