Furnace Repairs? How First-Time Homeowners Can Choose an Experienced Contractor

Who should you hire to make furnace repairs? First-time homeowners often need help to find and select an HVAC contractor. If you're not sure whether a potential home furnace installation and repair company has the right amount of experience, take a look at the questions to ask right now.

Can Someone Verify the Company's Experience? 

Any contractor can claim to have years' worth of experience. But does this HVAC professional have verifiable expertise? If you're not sure whether to believe the contractor:

  • Request references from real customers. Anonymous online reviews are easy to fake. Instead of this type of reference, ask the contractor for written statements or testaments from past customers.
  • Look for detail. A general statement of "good work" or "professional company" doesn't tell you much about the contractor's experience. Look for specific details about the company's or technicians' expertise level repairing or installing furnaces.
  • Ask about associations. Consult professional organizations and associations such as the American Society of Heating, Refrigerating, and Air-Conditioning Engineers (ASHRAE) or the Air-Conditioning, Heating, and Refrigeration Institute (AHRI).

After you verify the HVAC company's experience, it's time to move on to the next step and make sure the contractor has the expertise your specific job requires.

Does the Company Have the Right Type of Experience?

Why do you need to hire an HVAC contractor? While most companies can handle general furnace repairs, some complex issues require special care. These may include:

  • Ductless mini-split heat pump. As the name implies, these heaters don't require ductwork. If your new home has a mini-split system, you need a contractor who knows how to service the indoor air handling units and outdoor condenser.
  • Radiant floor heating. Electric and water-based radiant floor heating warms your home from below. This option also doesn't use ducts to transfer heat. To service the system, the contractor should know how to repair the heating elements without damaging your home's floors.
  • Smart systems. Smart home HVAC systems allow you to effortlessly control the indoor environment—even when you're not home. If your smart thermostat or heater requires a repair, the contractor should have the technical knowledge to work with this updated system.

Along with repairs, home heating installation is another aspect of the HVAC contractor's experience to consider. While your new home may not need a new system immediately, it could down the road. Save time and energy later with a smart choice of contractor now. The professional who repairs the existing system should also have the experience to install a new one in the future.
