Four Things You Should Do Before Your New Furnace Is Installed

Having an efficient and effective furnace is essential in the cold winter months. If you need to have the furnace replaced in your home, you should know what to do to prepare for installation day to ensure that the installation of your new furnace goes as smoothly as possible.

The following are four things you should do before your new furnace is installed in your home: 

Discuss furnace strength with your HVAC technician

You need to select a new furnace that's properly sized for your home to enjoy maximum comfort and efficiency. You shouldn't necessarily assume that your replacement furnace should be the same size or have the same strength as your previous furnace.

If you have made additions to your home that have increased the square footage, you should select a more powerful furnace for your replacement. The important measurement when it comes to furnace size and strength is BTUs. The number of BTUs per square foot that's ideal for your home varies depending on the climate in which your home is located. 

Plan around the installation work

A new furnace installation could be noisy and interrupt everyday tasks in your home. For this reason, you'll want to plan carefully around the installation.

Ask your HVAC technician service how long the installation will take. You won't want to do any hosting during the installation or carry out work that will be disrupted by the installation noise or equipment. Also, you might want to keep pets and children outside of the home during the installation to protect them from potential hazards and keep them out of the way.  

Consider ductwork inspection, cleaning, or repair

A furnace replacement is a good opportunity to have your ducts looked at. You want your ducts to be in good shape before your new furnace arrives so that they are able to efficiently channel heated air throughout your home.

Poor duct condition puts unnecessary strain on a furnace because dirty or clogged ducts make it so that the furnace must work harder to channel heated air through the home. Have your HVAC technician inspect your ducts. If your technician recommends it, have your ducts sealed and/or cleaned to prepare for your new furnace. 

Clear space to and around your furnace

Your furnace installation will proceed more quickly if your HVAC technicians don't have to clear any obstacles out of the way.

Clear a path to your furnace and remove any debris from the room in which your furnace is located. This way, your HVAC technicians can get right to work and won't be hindered in the installation due to clutter getting in the way. 

Reach out to HVAC services to learn more tips like these.
