A Few Things To Consider When Having A New Furnace Installed

Whether you are having a new furnace installed because the current one is not working properly or you want to take advantage of technology and the increase of fuel efficiency newer models give, there are a few things you should take care of and consider when talking to an HVAC company. The technician will likely ask to come to your home to determine what size unit will be best for the building and will also inspect the ductwork and the area where the new unit will be placed. Here are the things you should bring up while they are there.

In-line Humidifier

During the cold months, the air gets dry. This will cause your skin to dry out, and it may even crack. In addition, the wood and other materials in your furniture can become damaged. Wood may crack and split and cloth or other materials may become brittle and easily tear. An in-line humidifier can keep the air in your home moist enough to prevent these problems. Finally, moist air retains heat better than dry air. You will not need to use as much energy to heat your home if the humidity inside is slightly higher.

In-line Air Purifier

The dark areas in the ductwork are a good breeding ground for mold, mildew, and bacteria. These toxins can be pulled into the system through the air return vent or through small cracks in the ducts. Once in the system, they will then be spread throughout the house as the furnace blows heated air into the rooms. While you could buy an air purifier and have it in the room or rooms (if you buy multiple units), it would be much easier to have the air cleaned within the HVAC system before it even gets into the house.

Programmable Thermostat

There may be times when you do not need to have the house as warm as you do when everyone is home. You may want to have the temperature set lower when everyone is out of the house or sleeping. With a programmable thermostat, you can set different temperatures for different times. Just be sure to have the furnace kick on far enough in advance of everyone getting home or waking up. 

New furnace installation can end up saving you a lot of money over the course of the furnace's life. Take advantage of all the new technology that has come about since the current one was installed. For more information on furnace installation, contact a company in your area like Bowen Refrigeration
