Learn How To Have The Right HVAC System Installed In Your Tiny Home

When you have a tiny home, it is important to make sure that you do everything that you can to make it as self-sufficient as it can be so that you can travel to anywhere you want to travel to. One area to take into consideration when designing your tiny home is the HVAC system that you plan to use in the space. The following guide walks you through a few ways to make sure that your HVAC system works well for your tiny home.

Do Not Waste Your Time with Ducts

It is pointless to put ductwork throughout the tiny home. The duct work will take up a lot of space unnecessarily in the tiny home. There are units available that hang from the wall and blow cool or hot air into the home with ease. These options do not take up a lot of room and will provide your home with the heat or air conditioning needed to make the temperature comfortable in your home at all times.

Have the Thermostat Properly Placed

When you live in a tiny home, thermostat placement is essential. The small units that hang on the wall often have a small thermostat that can be hung anywhere you choose in the home so that the unit can turn on by itself when the thermostat detects the temperature has reached a specific degree. Be sure to have the thermostat placed on the side of the house that is opposite from where the unit is hung. This will ensure that the you are able to have a comfortable temperature even every inch of your home, rather than just the area directly near the unit.

Have Solar Panels Installed

If you want your home to be totally self-sufficient, you need to have solar panels installed so that you can have the power needed to operate the unit. Talk to an HVAC technician to determine how much power the solar panels will need to supply in order for the unit to be able to work properly.

When having the unit installed and hooked up to the solar panels, it is best to allow a professional HVAC technician handle the process for you. This will ensure that everything is installed properly. The technician will also be able to install the thermostat for you and test the unit to make sure that it works properly. It will take some time for the solar panels to store energy so you may want to have them hooked up a few days before you want to install the HVAC system. Click here for info on this and other topics.
