Two Frequent Plumbing Questions Answered

Plumbing problems can cause extensive damages to your home, and these problems can be extremely expensive to repair. For those that are uninformed about common plumbing issues, addressing some common problems that arise can seem challenging and confusing. Learning about the following couple of common questions should help you to make better-informed choices when it comes to routine plumbing problems. 

Is Letting Faucets Drip All You Need To Do To Prevent Frozen Pipes?

Frozen pipes can be a problem that is extremely dangerous to your home. When a pipe freezes, the water inside it will expand by a substantial amount. In fact, this expansion can put enough pressure on the pipes to cause a rupture to form. Once this happens, water can come rushing out of the rupture once the pipe thaws. 

Unfortunately, letting the faucet drip water may not be sufficient to prevent this problem from arising. This is particularly true when the temperature drops especially low. Addressing this problem on these days will require your pipes to be insulated. There are special insulating pads that can be wrapped around your pipes to help keep the water from of freezing. 

Should You Install A Water Softener?

Hard water can make taking a shower or bath difficult, and it can even impact your ability to bake. Many people make the mistake of assuming that hard water will only cause these problems, but this is a mistake because it can cause major problems for your plumbing system. In particular, this can lead to mineral deposits that can restrict water flow and drainage. 

As a result, you should consider installing a water softener if your home has this problem. If you are unsure of whether or not your home will benefit from this upgrade, you should have your water tested by a professional plumber. They will be able to quickly determine whether or not your water has an excessively high concentration of minerals. The results of this test will allow you to make an informed choice about whether this will be a worthwhile investment for your house. 

Encountering plumbing problems can be a major source of stress for any homeowner, and this is particularly true for those that are uninformed about how to handle common issues. Improperly addressing plumbing issues can result in major and expensive damages to your home and plumbing system. However, knowing how to successfully prevent your pipes from freezing and the benefits of installing a water softener should make it easier to prevent damage from striking your pipes. 

For professional help, contact a company such as Hvactech Systems plumbing.
