Three Energy Conservation Tips To Help You Save Money During The Summer

The summer months don't just make way for warmer temperatures outside, but they also mean summer vacation for your children and more time off from work for you. All combined, these factors lead to greater energy usage, which quickly translates into higher energy cost. Fortunately, there are things you can do to reduce your energy usage during this time of the year.

Install A Programmable Thermostat

Consider installing a programmable thermostat in your home. Programmable thermostats allow you to preset the temperature of your unit based on the day of the week or time of day. This type of upgrade is especially helpful at preventing wasted air conditioning when your family is away from home.

For example, say you're at work and your children are away at day camp from 8:30 until 1:30. During this period, you can set your thermostat to a higher temperature and have it automatically lower about an hour before everyone returns home, in order to have the home cool.

Adjust Your Cleaning Schedule

Major appliances like the washing machine, dryer and dishwasher probably play important roles in your home. Consider only operating these appliances during the early morning hours or after the sun has gone down. When you operate these appliances during the middle of the day when the temperature outside is higher, you will only make your home warmer.

This will eventually cause you to lower the temperature on your air conditioning thermostat. However, during the early morning or evening hours, the temperature outside is generally lower and running these appliances won't have much of an impact on the temperature inside your home.

Do A Home Assessment

It might also be helpful to do a quick assessment of the areas in your home that you actually use. Do you have a guest bedroom or storage room that is rarely occupied? If the answer is yes, consider closing the vents in these spaces. If there is no one utilizing the space, there is no reason to keep it cool.

Closing the vents forces the air to go into other areas of your home. While this won't necessarily adjust the temperature, it will allow your home to get cooler quicker, shortening the amount of time the air conditioning unit has to operate, therefore saving you money.

Reducing your energy consumption during the summer months isn't just an excellent way for you to save money, but it is also better for the environment. Make certain you are keeping energy conservation in your home a year round goal. For more information, contact a local HVAC company like Climec Residential Inc.
