Answering Frequent Hoemowner Questions About Failing Furnace Problems

There are a lot of parts of your home that make it a more comfortable place to be, but there is no question that the furnace is one of the most important. This is especially true when the weather turns cold and your home is your safe haven from bitter temperatures. When most furnaces are designed to last 15 or 20 years, chances are you will take for granted the fact that the system produces heat on demand until something starts to go wrong. Before a furnace completely fails, it will often start acting up.

Here are a few questions concerning these symptoms and what you should do to prolong the life of your furnace:

Why would the heat run constantly without shutting off?

The first place you will go when this happens, if you are like most, will be to the thermostat. Yet, an outdated furnace can have temperature regulators that are breaking down inside. This will prevent the furnace from detecting when the thermostat says it is warm enough to shut off. Trip sensors can also be the problem, but is a less common issue.

What is causing the furnace to be noisy or radiate clanking noises?

A furnace should be quiet most of the time, only offering gentle whirring noises when the unit is on. However, an outdated unit can be excessively noisy. It may even sound like something is falling apart in the unit itself. The clanking noises you hear are parts of the motor, such as the impeller, that have become warped or damaged over time. These parts can usually be replaced, but a new unit will likely be in your future.

Would a sudden spike in gas or electric usage indicate a furnace problem?

Whether your furnace operates by gas or electric, a sudden change in your normal utility bill could easily be related to a faulty furnace. Even a spike in usage may not be displayed by a system that stays on constantly, as you would expect. The problem could be due to deteriorating components, such as the gas regulator or electrical wiring pulling to much current.

If you suspect that your furnace is showing signs that it is nearing the end of its life, or just signs there is something wrong, talk to a professional about what needs to be done. In many cases, replacement can be avoided, but not forever. However, a replacement furnace will be a valuable change to your home in the end. For more information, contact a company that deals in furnace repairs to learn more.
