What’s Your Gas Furnace Trying To Tell You? 3 Warning Signs To Be On The Lookout For

No matter where you live in Canada, the fact remains that having a fully-functioning furnace is a must -- especially during the frigid months of winter. If you're a homeowner, then of course you want to take the steps necessary to prolong the life of your gas furnace. As such, it's important to be on the lookout for some telltale warning signs that your furnace is experiencing some difficulties, which may need to be checked out by a furnace repair expert.

Constantly Turning On and Off

A common furnace problem that many homeowners ignore (or don't notice in the first place) is that of the furnace constantly turning on and off. This is known as "short cycling," and it can be caused by a number of potential problems. Most commonly, short cycling is a sign that your furnace is over-heating, which is a major concern. However, short cycling can also occur when there's a problem with your HVAC thermostat. The only way to know for sure why your furnace is short cycling is to contact an HVAC professional to perform a thorough inspection.

Whirring or Squeaking Sounds

Another sign to be on the lookout for when it comes to your gas furnace is that of whirring, squeaking, or squealing sounds coming from the unit while it's in operation. An unusual whirring sound, for example, could be an indication that there's a loose belt within your furnace. On the other hand, a squeaking or squealing sound coming from your furnace could indicate an air leak. Any time you consistently hear a strange sound coming from your furnace, it's important to call a professional right away.

A Persistent Burning Smell

When you turn your furnace on for the first time during the fall or winter months, it's quite common to temporarily notice a burning smell. This is usually caused by the burning off of dust that's accumulated within the furnace system after months of not being used. However, if you continue to notice a burnt smell when the furnace cycles on, then it's time to call a professional, as this could be the sign of a more serious problem. And, as always, if you smell gas coming from your furnace at any point, you should leave your home immediately.

These are just a few common signs of furnace trouble that you'll want to be on the lookout for as a homeowner. By doing so, you can diagnose and repair small problems before they turn into major ones.
